Samantabhadra, usually depicted as a naked sky-blue buddha in union with his white consort Samantabhadri, represents the realisation of the primordially pure dharmakaya, free from adventitious defilement since the very beginning. Transcending thought and verbal expression, Samantabhadra dwells in freedom from characteristics, like space. He is the absolute timeless awareness of the nature of mind itself. Without wavering from that sphere, manifestation occurs naturally as the two form kayas. Within the natural self-radiance of dharmakaya’s five aspects of timeless awareness, the sambhogakaya Buddhas of the Five Families spontaneously manifest with the pure lands and mandalas of inconceivable numbers of buddhas, beyond description. There is no duality of someone to be guided and someone who guides, but rather these arise as Samantabhadra’s self-perception, like sunlight shining through a crystal gives rise to light rays of five colours.