The great spiritual friend of the true meaning of Dharma, exalted Drupon Rinpoche Karma Sherab was born in 1922. He took ordination at a young age and completed his training and studies of the Sutras, Tantras, and other fields of learning from such masters as Shechen Kongtrul and Khenchen Deli of Yartang.
Particularly, whilst residing in isolated mountains, Karma Sherab tended his lama, Lama Tsepal of Yartob (who had committed himself to life-retreat), and through offerings, service, and practice* received empowerments, reading transmissions, and pith instructions for both the Sutras and Tantras. Having reflected upon them Karma Sherab’s mind became filled with excellent qualities; he attained confidence in the profound view of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, developed the power of realisation, and became a brilliant heart-son of his lama.
He was always content and of little desire, while his compassion for sentient beings and faith in his lama were constant; to find such a being in these times of degeneration is rare. Even with the great changes that took place in Tibet, his practice remained continuous; and he would say how he had never parted company from his Dharma robes.
Once the government policies had eased slightly he acted as retreat master at the isolated Vajrasattva retreat centre of Drowo Lung, which was his lama’s main seat. He remained as the retreat master for more than two consecutive retreats, during which time he bestowed the ripening empowerments, the liberating instructions, and the supportive reading transmissions upon the retreatants.
In this isolated mountain retreat he passed away into the dharmadhatu at six o’clock on the fourth day of the first Tibetan month in 1992.
This was written by his disciple, Drupon Rinpoche Karma Lhabu, in 2012 at Samye Ling Monastery in the UK and translated into English by Karma Kunga.
*The three pleasing acts.