Rinpoche has relied on over twenty lamas. His principal lamas are:

” Lama is the name used for someone with better and higher qualities and traits than the student. The qualities are specifically of the mind; a mind without the negative mental afflictions such as anger, desire, etc; and someone who has realisation. In the Dharma various titles are used – spiritual friend, master (lopons), khenpo – and they each have their own particular sense depending on the student and the learning and practice the student is relying on them for. The lama must possess the qualities that the student wishes to obtain. These titles or names are not levels of status. If someone possesses the corresponding qualities they are a lama, etc, and for someone who wishes to practise the Dharma they are extremely precious and important. It is the qualities a lama possesses that makes them so special and important for practitioners. “
– Drupon Khen Rinpoche