Drupon Khen Rinpoche was invited to teach at Palpung Gyalse Ling in Melaka, Malaysia.
Over two days Rinpoche taught on the Four Dharmas of Gampopa.
Rinpoche emphasised the importance of study and practice, explaining how these bring about our own and others’ benefit in this and future lives.
When focusing on Gampopa’s text entitled The Four Dharmas of Gampopa, Rinpoche linked the four dharmas to Atisha’s teachings on the paths of the three types of individual. In this way he demonstrated how we must follow the proper order of the teachings in our practice if we are to make progress and stay on the right track.
Translation was provided by Marpa Translation Society members Ani Lodro Palkyi (Tee Shu Jun) and Kunga (Vaughan Aubrey).
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