Schedule 2025

In 2015 Drupon Khen Rinpoche decided to travel for no more than three months each year and to spend most of his time in Thrangu Sekhar Retreat Center, Nepal. Drupon Rinpoche feels he is better able to serve the buddhadharma and sentient beings by dedicating most of his time to the development of a single group of full-time students, with the hope that they come to fully embody the teachings and maintain the lineage.


Usual residenceThrangu Sekhar International Meditation Centre, Bhaktapur, NepalDaily Teachings

Outside of Nepal

29th MayKagyu Samye Dzong Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland19.00-20.30
The Measure of Authentic Practice
30th May - 5th JuneKagyu Samye Ling, Eskdalemuir, ScotlandThe Fifth UK Kagyu Monlam
Presided over by Drupon Khen Rinpoche Karma Lhabu
Teachings on Calling the Lama from Afar by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye

Previous Schedules